We welcome our new Preps and we aim to help provide a smooth transition to school for both Prep students and families.
Visiting COHR
School Tours are available anytime by contacting the School Office to make an appointment or by attending any of our Open Day tours, or anytime during that day.
We also offer Pre-school Library times, Art times and Music times each term.
Come along to visit our wonderful school!
Enrolments are open for Prep (and all other year levels).
Complete the Enrolment Form and drop off to the School Office during school times, or email to office@cohroakeast.catholic.edu.au
A letter of acceptance will be sent to you and we will be in contact with you to organise a ‘Meet and Greet’ interview with the Principal and the Prep teacher.
Prep Parent Information Night
A Parent Information Night is generally held in October and explores information about our school, communication channels, our Orientation program and how parents and families can help their child prepare for school.
Orientation Sessions
Three (3) Orientation sessions are generally held in November. These 90 minute sessions are an opportunity for the children to meet their classmates and the Prep teacher, as well as other key staff members. The children will complete an activity in the Prep classroom and parents are welcome to run errands during this time, or stay in the Hall for a coffee and chat with other new families.