ICT – Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies at Christ Our Holy Redeemer allows our students to capture their learning as well as develop their own digital competencies. We have school provided one to one Chrome Books in Years P-6 as well as access for all students to iPads and Spheroes, BlueBots, Beet Bots and other codable devices.

Christ Our Holy Redeemer Primary School’s computer facilities are provided to allow for students and staff to access and use a variety of computer hardware (including iPads, desktops, chromebooks, interactive TV’s and cameras), software and information sources, including the internet, email, Google Workspace (Drive/ GMail/Classroom/Meet), and social media (school app Flexischools, Seesaw, Canva and Instagram). These facilities are provided to further the Educational Goals of the school community, through access to unique resources and opportunities for collaborative work.

Being Cyber-Safe and a good Digital Citizen are paramount in our approach to Digital Technologies education. As the internet also gives us access to inaccurate information, unsuitable material, plagiarism and contravention of copyright, it is important to have strategies in place to deal with these. Whilst our filtering software keeps most unwanted sites from our computers, it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all controversial materials. Students are educated in ways to deal with these issues and Cyber-Safety and Digital Citizenship is covered in al levels throughout the whole year. Each term the students participate in an interactive webinar on Cyber-Safety that the school subscribes to through the Inform & Empower company. Students learn how to be responsible citizens by respecting and protecting others and themselves and being aware of the rules around copyright and plagiarism.

At COHR, access to the internet by students will be supervised by teachers and is for educational purposes only. Inappropriate use of these facilities may result in suspension of access. Parents must also understand that children’s computer activities at home should always be supervised and this will support the school with encouraging cyber-safe behaviours. We endeavour that students of Christ Our Holy Redeemer School who use technology and the internet do so in a safe, legal and responsible way.

We partner with Inform & Empower who provide not only up to date education for our students but they also offer parent eductaion and teacher professional learning. All this learning is focussed on ensuring our students are cybersafe and good digital citizens.